Exercise is good. It's better if in addition to moving your muscles, you can exercise a little the acuteness of your vision in the process.
When you go to one of the outlying islands, you'll never know what you'll find, no matter how many times you've been there.
The most ordinary things are placed in the oddest positions.

and some unusual things too.

The inhabitants appear to have a predilection for bright colors

and some unusual things too.
The inhabitants appear to have a predilection for bright colors
You'll find flowers everywhere

hung on the eaves of houses.

in front of houses

In terraces

or just in make shift flower beds

hung on the eaves of houses.
in front of houses

In terraces
or just in make shift flower beds
Some flowers looks so unreal!

Light seems to transform everything.
It creates shadows.
in the most unexpected places
it adds colors to trees.
Everything looks starker

It makes leaves translucent
It creates textures
it highlights outlines
it gives a new lease of life to even withered leaves
it calls attention to shapes which you'll never ever otherwise notice.
It makes the clouds much more visible
it makes the sea blue
It makes different forms more visible