I haven't been to the HK Park for a while now.

It used to be a place where I practised photographing flowers.
I can still do more practices there.
Since it's raining, Not very many people there.
There, you can still find all kinds of flowers.
Flowers which look like leaves.
Flowers which look like flowers.
Flowers which merely have retained the form of flowers.
Many of them are potted.
Many of them have been specially arranged.
like these
or these.
Whether they are really well arranged may be disputed but that flowers are beautiful is beyond dispute.
Flowers can be really tiny.
But I don't suppose the bear will care.
There are many colorful leaves there too
But most leaves are quite content with being simply green
There are cacti there too
Some look really strong
Some look like veggies
Some look like spiked pumpkins
Some got thick petalled flowers
But most got tiny flowers
But some flowers are really huge
Like these
Really nice looking sepals
This is their name
There are plenty of colored leaves in the hot house
and some weird looking shaped flowers
Some hang their flowers out in octopus-like tentacles
But others are quite happy to have the simplest shape
Some don't like their helpers to outshine them
Some like to bloom together
Some like to keep a safe distance from the others
If, so, they must be prepared to bear the solitude and be battered all alone.