Autumn is a time of transition.
It's a time when the lights become that much softer

It's a time when leaves turn golden.

and then brown
But for others, it's still time to grow.
For some, the changes are less dramatic.
And for others, there's hardly any changes at all.
But it's also a time when unexpected shapes become prominent.
But leaves may do so at their own pace

As they lose their color, the vein which support them take centre stage

I notice that many leaves are red before they begin to turn green

Some will start out quite red.

and if their tips are covered over by other leaves, they will retain their original color
But withering can go on at quite different paces
It looks as if some are angry that they have to go.
their faces flushed red with the fire of their emotions.
others seem to accept their fate with less display of their moods

Some are quite law abiding, following the principle, "first in, first out".

Some have to endure not just the elements, but insects too.
It seems that worms can be unwitting artists

whilst the plant themselves give a hand through refusing supply of nutrients

But if they don't prefer uniformity, their differences can be quite pretty

each in their own way.

Some are reluctant to go
This one is on its way
It won't be long before it falls like this.
The bigger leaves will shrivel up.
but these will prefer to stay rigid even in their death
Some hold on most stubbornly.
But whilst some shrink, others expand
And even when they are covered up, they still strive for light.
some don't really get much.
But they are happy to get as much as the sun and the angles permit.

When there's sunlight, it creates all kinds of patterns.

the changes are kaleidoscopic.

But they all seem to want to reach up as much as possible.
Those who can't do so themselves have learned that sometimes, they may find support from others

The creepers are all expert climbers and really know how to find hosts

Some are lucky enough to find strong sturdy hosts.
But not every one is so lucky and if so, they are forced to rely on themselves

Even though there are bigger trees on top, smaller plants will not give up so easily, insect bites notwithstanding.
The withering leaves still hang on their branches for as long as possible.
Some leaves push towards life, no matter where they are.
It's just their existential condition

These leaves continue to push for life even though the entire tree top has been hacked down by man
Some would have to grow between the fence poles
To protect themselves, some will develop pricks

But howsoever different kinds of plant develop their leaves, there is little doubt that for me, they will be a constant source of surprise and joy.