
2017年4月30日 星期日

2017年4月17日 星期一

The heart of Aura Throbbing (夏女神之心跳)

The Greeks are polytheists. They have as many gods as there are things which touch their lives. If so, then there is little doubt that Aura, their goddess of summer, is now afoot amidst the trees and leaves and flowers and her heart now throbs with every summer breeze trembling with each leaf, each petal, each tender branch.  

I got a bright welcome at the gate of Kadoorie Farm.

2017年4月15日 星期六

Exploring Nanchang Park (初探南昌公園)

I've heard that there's a park somewhere quite near to the Nanchang Station.  However, I never knew exactly where it was until this morning when I was seized by an irresistible desire to make a go at finding out. It was much easier than I originally imagined. In fact the park is just a couple of hundred feet from Exit D of the station, right across the street

This is what greeted my eyes at the entrance. 

2017年4月13日 星期四

Mimosas (含羞草)

Mimosas(含羞草) is my first film at this year's HKIFF. It started off very well and leaves me in great hopes of more films of a similar calibre in the coming days.

In many ways, it's a most unusual film. Certainly not one which one can expect to become an instant box office miracle. But it exudes a magical charm for me. The moment the film starts, I am already drawn in. I see several people, two mules, some women, two male porters. They came to the top of a hill. As far as the eyes can see, one finds mountains and mountains the top of which is covered in snow and above the mountains, nothing but skies. They stop. Some insist on going on. Some express doubt. The old sheik who knows that his days are numbered wants to go to a small  Morrocan town called Sijilmasa, at the foot of Mount Atlas in North Africa, where he expects to be buried at the side of his forefathers. But they got a problem, they do not know the way. Neither does the guide. A discussion follows. But the old sheik is convinced that if there's a will, there's a way and that they should put their faith in Allah. They continue.

2017年4月8日 星期六

2017年4月2日 星期日

Po Lin Temple Again(重遊寶蓮寺)

It's nice to take a break from Freud, Jung, Marx, Durkheim etc. and simply allow my eyes to wander to wherever my feet fancy to be.

They took me to the Po Lin Temple today. 

The Call of Summer (夏之呼喚)

Dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dee....
Dee.... dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood...

This is what filled my ears on my way to Mui Wo today, the first time in many days the sun came out.

Such rapid vibrations of the air are probably the call and response of male and female cicada, the harbingers of summer from behind the leaves, cleaving to the branches of the trees on either side of the road, hoping desperately to be able to catch their mates before they're caught by the grim reaper.