full of the passion of summer.
But there are cooler moments too.
We agree.
tiny brushes amidst those who couldn't bear to wait until Aura's arrival.
The can't bear to disappoint the patient.
these can come out now.
Certainly those tougher souls who're not afraid of the searing heat.
According to Chinese herbalist, these are good for soothing a liver brimful with heat.
But what do these little flowers care about medicinal properties
green hills and valleys with served by a river of blood.
This current of this river is strong.
Iron has a way of revealing it ubiquitous presence
and worms too.
I love these little red dancing angels.
I never get tired of these bells outside the musical greenhouse
They dance with in more than one color
These are truly delicate
Aha, a tiny berry.
a bigger fruit
Come, bees and butterflies!
I've got loads of goodies for you.

We too!
Size is not everything, you know?
sun chasers
Hi, taking a break?
Yeah, the sun is good but you can't overdo it, man. I'm not a sunflower.
They nod in agreement.
Feeding time!
I'm a kinda sun too!
But none can follow the sun forever
Whether we can or not, we certainly don't mind stepping up the floral catwalk.
But we need a bit of protection
It takes all kinda folks to make this world of ours interesting.
We don't all need to be big burly fellas.
That takes up too much energy.
We like a tad of pink.
and we, a tad of purple
Unlike some people, though we're white, color prejudice is not in our veins. We get along fine
Though we're yellow, we don't mind red.
So hot! We gotta let our tongues out .
green boats beside the pond.
Our time will come.
Bloom time.
Feeding time
We ain't got no problem with the sun. .