After a foretaste of the inventiveness and immensity of Nature's sculpture near to the fishing port of Cape Shen O (深澳岬) our car sped along the highway to our second point of interest.
After parking at a passing place, we had to go down a path, crossed the highway by following a stony path passing under tiny bridge to reach the seaside.
A view of the mountains before we passed under the the bridge. It was so green that for a moment, I thought it was a merely trick of my eyes.
Once we reached the seaside, my eyes were caught by this dough-like boulder kneaded by the hands of Nature
The weathered notice explaining how such boulders were formed .
Two doughs joined together
Another weather beaten notice explaining how the honey-comb structures on the sandstones were formed and why they are colored as they do.
The path leading to the viewing pavilion.
Heads of birds or lizards?
Finally down to sea level.
More of the kind of features we saw earlier that morning.
Two heads of transposed Egyptian sphinxes?
some of the rocks stretching out far out into the sea
It was a beautiful day. The sky was not entirely blank.
The clouds are beautiful
It was pretty hot though because there wasn't much breeze.
But it's worth the heat.
On the left of the viewing pavilion, one finds huge stretches of almost flat sandstones reaching far into sea.
The inclination of the rocks and their layerings are remarkably similar, differing only in the hardness of their texture, something which explains their multifarious shapes
The clouds too, seem to follow the contours of the mountain valley
The coast was guarded by these two huge stone pillars.
The latest layers haven't changed color yet.
the weaker areas are gouged into tiny feet-like mini-pools by surface rainwater.
some of the rock face have peeled off: turning the it into some kind of cream covered cake sprinkled with chocolate flakes.
The boulder looks a bit like cat with a crocodile on its back
The water was very clean
The fault lines carve the surface into creamy fields
Rock surface has been smoothed out by the never ending action of sea waves for millions of years, through countless battering of huge billows during typhoons?.
Wherever the sea has receded, tiny algae grow on the rock surface, turning them yellow
A Buddha seems to guard the mountain, his head turned skyward.
jagged clouds above, jagged rocks below
One end of a half squashed croissant sticking out from the ground
The sky seems sprinkled with a smattering of ice crystals
a first trial cream cake by an apprentice chef
A bear crawling up the beach
Now I know what's a "cross" or "false bedding".
It seems that the translator needs a little brushing up on his skill. Perhaps he shouldn't rely too heavily on "google translate" about the "peculiar stone" and the "weathered train"
A most extraordinary looking stone pillar.
Could that be the remains of a pre-historic tree?
walruses with or without heads?
Marks of how water used to flow
My final look at the rocks at Nanya (南雅)
On the way to feed.
view from a car window
To accommodate a Buddhist tour driver, sometimes it's necessary to endure some really nasty "vegetarian" food from a restaurant accustomed to preparing only meat dishes. Perhaps the Buddha thinks I need some work on my "tolerance"?