Color is something very strange.

Often, it will be much affected by the surface from which light is reflected.
Sometimes, there may be so little of it except the two extremes of black and white.
And the sea too, will often taken on part of the color of the sky.
And otherwise ordinary looking wall will look quite different if some decides to give it some form and some color.
Yellow is a color that is almost certain to stand out, whether it's on a bike.
on a wall
or on a flower.
Unlike yellow, the color brown will often give the impression of something rather more down to earth.

Perhaps that's because often it's really the color of earth itself with whom we have a sense of intimacy and emotional closeness.
and that the nearer something is, the bigger it appears
the nearer to us something is, the more details we will get.

In the distance, things will be reduced to a blur

In the distance, things will be reduced to a blur
and people will be defined only by their posture.
When something is closer, it becomes more dramatic
No matter where it is
even after it has become detached from the source of its life.
Flowers fascinate by both their softness
or their shape
or their unusual color
or the way they cluster together.
People attract more by what they do.