So glad now that the heat is gone for the time being.

and those growing on trees
Whatever their shape or color
To look at rusted metal
the wild mushrooms which sprang to life after the rain
and their colors;
to observe embroidered leaves,.
to see how humble flowers grow at the side of hovels built with rusted zinc sheets,
to be delighted by reflected light,
to enjoy the calm and peacefulness of unruffled water
to see how the villagers make offerings to their gods, .
to look at what's left after they' re done worshipping local deities
and how they sweep their yards
to see the inside of their bamboo hats
or more elaborate ones made of reed,
to see how creepers grow around abandoned poles
and how some unfold their leaves like a windmill
to discover the most unexpected patterns on the door of a deserted hut
or the discolored paint on abandoned furniture
to gloat over the texture of wood
and look at the most unusual patterns formed by peeling paint
and feel the joy of the locals in vibrant colors
and to look at the flowers on the side of the path
or about to wither
to wonder at the how the colors of Nature are vastly more interesting than
those made by men
But if you're lucky, find the most incredible shapes and colors even in a junk yard
and grass growing in impossible places
You'd never be able to guess what this is.
or to wonder at the ingenuity of shopkeepers and
what they'd do to decorate their shop front!