From time to time, we may click into some video or other on the internet
quite by accident but once we did, we felt compelled to continue
viewing until we came to the very end. If you believe in Jung's theory
of serendipity or in the Buddhist theory of karma spanning our past, our
present or our future lives, you may say that what looks like an
"accident" is not "really" an accident, but the result of some chain of
causation the full extent or the operation of which we may not be aware
if we continue merely to operate on the level of conscious mind, as we
are wont to do in our everyday life and that whatever actually happens
happens for a good reason. Even if you do not subscribe to any such
beliefs, it's nonetheless a most welcome experience to meet with such an
"accident". I did.
I believe what I found through one such experience may perhaps be worth sharing. So....