I haven't been to the Wetland Park for a while.

The clouds are white. The sky is blue.
And creepers are green. It looks as if it's a good time to try my luck.
A foretaste of what I'd find.
But first a passage whose walls are lined with creepers
a duck beak wood against the sky
and a golden carp in the pond below
the stream leading to the lake
my first glimpse of the main attraction
The main bridge
Monet would probably love this
Perhaps this one too?
Would I be able to snap a few storks?
But one can have a little consolation?
A parting look.
Another one
The clouds seem unable to leave the waters alone. After all, are not clouds once merely water upon the surface of the earth?
the clouds are approaching
But one can always see things in perspective
And go back to where one started.