Autumn is come. I expected to find only dry leaves, brittle twigs, ground full of the crumpled remains what was once standing proudly in the air.

Sure enough I found some withered leaves
Sure enough I found some withered leaves
and some on its way there
But I also found some sprouting leaves
and tendrils anxious to find some support
and even clumps of flowers
or a crown of red needles
and even tiny red flames
But these little strings of tiny flowers are not ready to call it a day
and this melon flower too finds the autumn air inspiring
The leaves too are ready to do all they can to protect them

These tiny flowers seem to be doing pretty well without any special support
The pigs ear is one of them.
So is this chrysanthemum
a little water would do little harm
The autumn sun remains as attractive
These had just their night of splendour
Autumn is seeding time too
And seeds need a little cover
Some flowers too feel it much safer to dangle close to the leaves
But these delicate orchids definitely prefer a little extra attention
Not too much direct sunlight
unlike the lotus flower, which can withstand sun, rain and wind
Orchids are delicate

It takes time to grow their pouches
They prefer not to have their liquid honey diluted
How they love shelter
Often they are small
Pelting rains are not welcome
Their leaves are too slender to give any protection
Some of them are a little tougher
But they are no match for these, who choose to win by numbers
They grow in clumps
stretching out in all directions

in deep purple

or in lighter hues.

It's a completely different matter for these pond flowers

which can bloom all year round
How freely they spread their petals
Some are their own suns
These weeds grow whenever there's still water in the pond
Whatever different plants prefer, Nature has plenty of tricks up its sleeves
Nothing prepares me a visit by the butterflies
They literally flutter all around my head
making brief stops only to suck up a little honey
coming in all colors and sizes
That's why I love Nature. You never really know what you'll find when you go out to her.