Blue sky, white wispy clouds and red flowers rounded up my trip

at the 800 hecture Cherry Blossom Park Tung Shan Village of the Zhenjiang District under Shaoguan City.( 韶關湞江區東山村), planted with more than 100,000 cherry blossom trees of a dozen varieties, one of the largest such parks in the Pearl River Delta Area.
According to the Wikipedia there are many different varieties of cherry blossoms roughly as follows:
(1) 重齒組 Sect. Ceraseidos including, 尖尾櫻桃 Cerasus caudata, 山楂葉櫻桃 Cerasus crataegifolia ,偃櫻桃 Cerasus mugus, 刺毛櫻桃 Cerasus setulos, 托葉櫻桃 Cerasus stipulacea, 川西櫻桃 Cerasus trichostoma
(2)芽鱗組 Sect. Cerasus including 歐洲甜櫻 Cerasus avium ,草原櫻桃 Cerasus fruticosa, 歐洲酸櫻桃 Cerasus vulgaris Mill.
(3) 裂瓣組 Sect. Lobopetalum including 襄陽山櫻桃 Cerasus cyclamina, 尾葉櫻桃 Cerasus dielsiana , 西南櫻桃 Cerasus duclouxii, 光葉櫻桃 Cerasus glabra 櫻桃 Cerasus pseudocerasus, 浙閩櫻桃 Cerasus schneideriana, 崖櫻桃 Cerasus scopulorum
(1) 重齒組 Sect. Ceraseidos including, 尖尾櫻桃 Cerasus caudata, 山楂葉櫻桃 Cerasus crataegifolia ,偃櫻桃 Cerasus mugus, 刺毛櫻桃 Cerasus setulos, 托葉櫻桃 Cerasus stipulacea, 川西櫻桃 Cerasus trichostoma
(2)芽鱗組 Sect. Cerasus including 歐洲甜櫻 Cerasus avium ,草原櫻桃 Cerasus fruticosa, 歐洲酸櫻桃 Cerasus vulgaris Mill.
(3) 裂瓣組 Sect. Lobopetalum including 襄陽山櫻桃 Cerasus cyclamina, 尾葉櫻桃 Cerasus dielsiana , 西南櫻桃 Cerasus duclouxii, 光葉櫻桃 Cerasus glabra 櫻桃 Cerasus pseudocerasus, 浙閩櫻桃 Cerasus schneideriana, 崖櫻桃 Cerasus scopulorum
(4) 圓葉組 Sect. Mahaleb like 圓葉櫻桃 Cerasus mahaleb
(5) 傘形組 Sect. Phyllocerasus including 微毛櫻桃 Cerasus clarofolia ,迎春櫻桃 Cerasus discoidea , 多毛櫻桃 Cerasus polytricha , 康定櫻桃 Cerasus tatsienensis,
(6) 總狀組 Sect. Phyllomahaleb including 長腺櫻桃 Cerasus claviculata, 錐腺櫻桃 Cerasus conadenia , 黑櫻桃 Cerasus maximowiczii, 毛櫻桃 Cerasus patentipila, 雕核櫻桃 Cerasus pleiocerasus , 四川櫻桃 Cerasus szechuanica
(6) 總狀組 Sect. Phyllomahaleb including 長腺櫻桃 Cerasus claviculata, 錐腺櫻桃 Cerasus conadenia , 黑櫻桃 Cerasus maximowiczii, 毛櫻桃 Cerasus patentipila, 雕核櫻桃 Cerasus pleiocerasus , 四川櫻桃 Cerasus szechuanica
(7) 小苞組 Sect. Pseudomahaleb, 蒙自櫻桃 Cerasus henryi, 細花櫻桃 Cerasus pusilliflora 雲南櫻桃 Cerasus yunnanensis
(8) 黑果組 Sect. Sargentiella including 山櫻花 Cerasus serrulata , 大葉早櫻 Cerasus subhirtella , 東京櫻花 Cerasus yedoensis
(9) 細齒組 Sect. Serrula including 鐘花櫻桃 Cerasus campanulata , 高盆櫻桃 Cerasus cerasoides , 華中櫻桃 Cerasus conradinae, 紅毛櫻桃 Cerasus rufa Wall, 細齒櫻桃 Cerasus serrula
According to Baidu, those we saw in the cherry blossom garden belong to the 中國红、廣州樱、小喬、南國早樱 varieties with either single or double rows of petals. I'll leave it to the experts to decide what kind of cherry blossoms they were that I saw there.
(9) 細齒組 Sect. Serrula including 鐘花櫻桃 Cerasus campanulata , 高盆櫻桃 Cerasus cerasoides , 華中櫻桃 Cerasus conradinae, 紅毛櫻桃 Cerasus rufa Wall, 細齒櫻桃 Cerasus serrula
According to Baidu, those we saw in the cherry blossom garden belong to the 中國红、廣州樱、小喬、南國早樱 varieties with either single or double rows of petals. I'll leave it to the experts to decide what kind of cherry blossoms they were that I saw there.
To me, I'm only interested in their color and their shape. This one appears most filled with flowers.
All around the winding road, are this type of cherry blossom trees.
it seems that the flowers open in small clusters without any leaves at all. I wonder why that's the case.
The clusters seem to occurs quite close to another another.
The branches where they flower do not appear to grow in any particular order, thus they criss cross one another. I suppose that the only principle of growth is that there be no obstruction ahead in the intended direction of growth.

Some of them may look like those one finds in some Chinese ink painting.
It appears that their colors look stronger before they open up and as their petal open out, their colors become much lighter.
Although the weather is quite cold, their petals remain quite flimsy and delicate.
I don't know why the color of some of them appear much darker and stronger than those of others, even when they are fully open.
The stamens however show different colors, some dark pink, some white but whether pink of white, their tips are full of yellow pollens.
The ends of each petal appear to be split although not always right in the middle.
The yellow pollens at the tips can be quite conspicuous.
The color of some of them is closer to purple than to red or red.
What whether purple or pink or red, they look so delicate.
They can look a bit dreamy and unreal.
Apart from cherry blossoms, there are also some carmelias or is it peonies?
In yellow or red

This one definitely is a peony

to break the monotony of the poorly managed cherry blossom park
This one definitely is a peony
to break the monotony of the poorly managed cherry blossom park
Where you find flowers, there you find girls
This one is specially dressed in classical Chinese clothes
There's also a sort of pond in the garden
Not very well looked after
The water appears quite murky. if not for the reflected colors of the cherry blossoms above it, the surface of the pond would look even duller.
and certainly not this old tree stump
The benefactor of the pond