Years of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
emphasis on the advanced consciousness of "avant gardes" of scientific
socialists cannot help but leave their marks in the minds of local
Chinese Communist officials: a huge propaganda poster stressing the ideology of
the present leadership outside the entrance of our destination of the
day: "Strive to realize the Chinese Dream of the great Renaissance of the
Chinese races"
The Great Wall of China and some Kapok flowers: is the only connection the color of red, the color of the great "Revolution"?
It appears that Socialist modernisation initiated by Deng has left some tangible benefit: years of stupendous GDP growth has generated enough spare cash for renewing some heritage buildings destroyed by the "Maoist quotation book" waving" Red Guards in the so-called Great Cultural Revolution engineered by Mao for retaining or regaining personal political power lost owing to the monumental flop of his "Great Leap Forward" in 1958 and which at one stage he said must be continued for a hundred years and even another thousand years ! Where is he now?
In the meantime, trees continue to grow, to develop and die so as to make way for the new, season after season, year after year, generation after generation, as they have been doing since time immemorial.
The entrance to the Cloud Bun Hill or Yunjishan (雲髻山) the highest mountain in the whole of the Pearl River Delta region, located in Xinfeng County (新豐縣) now under the jurisdiction of Shaoguan (韶關市), a protected green area of 87 square kilometers containing some 46 summits above 1,000 meter
The way taking us further into the valley.
The mountain stream trickling down the mountain side is the source of the East River, from which Hong Kong takes part of its water supply
The waterfall breaks down into different sections of various heights.
Its water appears quite clean
The pool at the bottom of a section of the water wall
Another smaller pool a little further uphill.
A huge boulder which appears to be supported by many tiny twigs
Head of cartoon killer whale? a round headed newt?
When girls are around, how could they be expected not to pester those with them to have their picture taken, especially after they have been made to climb a stiff mountain path?
The plan at the entrance to the park
It appears a hot spot for boys who take their girls there for a spin with their bikes
The famous Cloud Bun Hill. To me, it looks more like a Chinese version of our Lion Rock Hill