Summer is a peculiar season. It seems teeming with life. After the sweltering heat, there'll always be cooling showers, or even thunder storms.

Plants love the rapid switches.
Plants love the rapid switches.
They bloom
on trees
on shrubs.
The storms struck down some of the flowers
They lie calmly on the ground
Even "heroes" can't expect to be spared.
In the past fortnight, one philosopher left this world forever and another retired from active teaching. The one
who left us forever is Dr. Liu Shu-Hsien (劉述先). The one who retired is
Dr. Kwan Tze-Wan (關子尹). Both taught not just philosophy. They showed us what it means to live not just as a brain in a body
but as a heart throbbing with love and concern for those who wish to
follow in their footsteps. They taught us what it means to live like a
human being: curious, indefatigable, studious, steady. quietly calm and ever humble before the immensity of the universe and complexities of the human mind and human emotions.
They may be gone. Their lessons will survive .